Tuesday, December 4, 2007


The Spartan Government was the most stable in all of Ancient Greece. At the top of the government was a duel monarchy, then there was a council of 2 kings, then 28 nobles all over the age of sixty. next was a group of five men that selected the council and had the right to approve or veto any proposal. these five men ran the council, the military, the educational system, infant selection system, and they had veto power of everything coming in and out of the council. they could even get rid of the king, although they had to have very very powerful proof to do this so it only happened every once in a while. Their economy was mostly based on the military, they completely isolated themselves meaning they didn't trade with any other city, they didn't have very much art, and only the military traveled. They treated their slaves very cruelly. they were called helots and they were forced to work the land. If the Spartans thought that a child was weak when they were born they literally left them out in the open for the wolves or whatever to eat them. The Spartans pretty much believed in every single male being in the military from age 7 to at least age 60. When a boy reached age 7 he was sent to the military and athletic; learning toughness, discipline, endurance of severe pain, and survival skills. At age 20 after 13 years of training the spartan became a soldier. 13 years of boot camp that is brutal, no wonder their enemies feared them!! the Spartans were also able to get married at age 20 but they could not live with their wife till age 30, when they became an "equal" though they still had to serve in the military. Spartans could not leave the military till age 60. it is believed that at age 20 they would get a piece of land that the helots would farm for them, of course, and that is what food they got. The individual really did live and die, sometimes, for Sparta. Now the woman were free to move about and had domestic freedom. they also taught the women that their lives should be dedicated to the state. By the end of their reign they were easily the most powerful state in all of Greece. The Spartans did not battle at every opportunity; they battled when they needed to and they won most of the time. They were respected for being able to win their battles.

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